How to Clean a Mirror Without Windex


A dirty mirror can affect the aesthetics of the entire space, whether it’s the living room or the bathroom. Cleaning a mirror is easy, but many people don’t know how to clean their mirrors adequately.

We all know that cleaning mirrors with Windex is easy but also dangerous. Because the main ingredient in Windex products is ammonia. Ammonia is a strong chemical and is sufficiently abrasive. But ammonia can also irritate your skin, eyes, and lungs. Can you use Windex on a mirror? Certainly. How to clean a mirror without Windex? Next, I will introduce how to clean mirror without Windex.

Easy Ways to Clean Mirror Without Windex

Here are some best ways to clean a mirror without Windex, and at the same time, your mirrors look fresh and new.

Clean Mirror with Toothpaste

Toothpaste is an auxiliary product for brushing teeth, which has the function of friction and removal of plaque and cleaning and polishing of tooth surface. Toothpaste is abrasive enough to handle most minor smudges on a mirror, so you can use them to clean the mirror without damaging it. The specific steps have been shown for you. This way you can easily clean a mirror without Windex.

(Note: If your mirror is too large, you can also use a rag instead of a toothbrush.)

  • Prepare an unused toothbrush and toothpaste first. The toothbrush is used to brush the mirror, and the toothpaste is squeezed into the toothbrush.
  • Then squeeze the toothpaste on top of the toothbrush. Be careful not to use too much, too much waste is not easy to clean up.
  • Then take out the mirror you want to clean and brush it with a toothbrush squeezed in toothpaste. The mirror is very blurry at this time.
  • Then use a toothbrush dipped in some water to continue brushing the mirror. At this time, you can see that the mirror is gradually clearing.
  • Then use a clean paper towel to dry the toothpaste on the mirror. You can also use a little water to clean it up.
  • After wiping off the toothpaste on the surface, the mirror is very clean.

Clean Mirror with Spray Cleaner

You can also use glass cleaner to clean your mirror as well! All you have to do with this cleaner is spray some on a paper towel or rag and wipe the mirror down. Just ensure that you don’t use too much cleaner or leave a residue. And most glass cleaners are nontoxic. So this is another way to clean mirror without Windex.

  • First, prepare a dry rag and a bottle of glass spray.
  • Then spray the spray directly on the mirror surface, spray more, especially where there is dirt.
  • Wipe the spray off with a dry rag.
  • This way you get a clean mirror.

Clean Mirror with Alcohol and Water

Alcohol and water are other ordinary household cleaners that you can use to clean your mirrors without Alcohol and water are other ordinary household cleaners that you can use to clean your mirrors without harming them. Mix some rubbing alcohol or water in a spray bottle, spray the mirror down, and rub it away with a paper towel and rag. The steps are the same as above.

Clean Mirror with Vinegar and Water

Vinegar and water are other excellent mixes that you can clean your mirror without harming it. Pour some vinegar into a spray bottle, add some water, shake well, and then spray the mixture onto the mirror. After that, wipe the mirror down with a rag or paper towel. This is the third way to clean mirror without Windex.

  • First, prepare a spray bottle and equal amounts of vinegar and water.
  • Pour vinegar in the spray bottle and then water. Screw the cap on the bottle and shake it. This way the cleaning agent is made up.
  • Refer to the description above for the rest of the steps.

Clean Mirror with Dish Soap

Dish soap is another great cleaner that you can clean your mirror without damaging it. Do squirt some on a paper towel or old rag and scrub the mirror down. Make sure that you rub the mirror’s surface well to get rid of the grime on it.

Clean Mirror with Baby Shampoo

You can also use the baby shampoo to clean your mirror without damaging it! Just put some into a spray bottle, add some water, shake well, and then spray the mixture onto the mirror. After that, wipe down the mirror with a rag or paper towel. This is the easiest way to clean mirror no Windex.

Clean Mirror with Baking Soda and Water

Baking soda is another excellent cleaner that you can use to get your mirrors looking good again! Just pour some baking soda into a spray bottle, add some water, shake well, and then spray the mixture onto the mirror. After that, wipe down the mirror with a rag or paper towel.

Clean Mirror with Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Toilet bowl cleaner is another abrasive cleaner that you can clean your mirror without damaging it. Squirt some onto an old rag, and scrub the mirror down. Make sure that you rub the mirror’s surface well to get rid of any dirt or grime on it. So this is how to clean your mirror without Windex.

Clean Mirror with WD-40

WD-40 is another excellent household cleaner that you can use to clean your mirror without harming it! Do spray some onto a paper towel or old rag and wipe the mirror down. Just ensure that you don’t use too much cleaner or leave a residue. This is how to clean mirrors without Windex.

Prohibition Of Cleaning Mirror Without Windex

  • Always remember to test any cleaner on an inconspicuous part of the mirror before applying it.
  • Please read all instructions on the back of your cleaner packaging before using them.
  • If none of these cleaners are working, you can take your mirror to a professional to have it cleaned.

How To Clean Bathroom Mirror?

  • Start by turning off the bathroom’s exhaust fan to keep fumes from getting in your eyes and lungs when you clean the mirror.
  • If there is a window in the bathroom, open it all the way to allow fresh air into the room while you’re cleaning the mirror. If not, turn on an electric fan to face the bathroom.
  • Use a squeegee to get rid of any water droplets on your mirror after you’ve taken a shower or had some water splash onto it while brushing your teeth. Use a clean rag to dry the rest of the mirror’s surface.
  • Wipe down the mirror with a damp paper towel to remove any toothpaste splatters or water spots.
  • Fill a spray bottle with equal parts of rubbing alcohol and water, then squirt the mixture onto the mirror.
  • Wipe down the mirror with a dry paper towel, which will pick up most of the moisture on your mirror. If you have two paper towels, use one to wipe down the surface of your mirror and reserve the other for any spots you might miss.
  • Put on rubber gloves (to prevent chemicals on your hands), then spray some glass cleaner onto a clean rag. Squeeze out any excess liquid, then wipe down the mirror again with the wet rag.
  • Remove any excess cleaner by wiping the mirror with a dry paper towel, which will pick up the rest of the moisture on your mirror. If you have two paper towels, use one to wipe down the surface of your mirror and reserve the other for any spots you might miss.
  • Wipe any leftover moisture off the mirror with a squeegee, then leave your bathroom window open for about 15 minutes to air out any chemical fumes.
  • Turn on the exhaust fan and close the window after you’re done cleaning the mirror to bring fresh air into your bathroom again.

What Causes Black Marks on Mirror?

Black marks on a mirror can be due to several different things. Either way, you’ll have to remove the black marks yourself if they want to go away. The two possibilities are dirt from the outside or residue inside the house.

  • Dirt from outside might cause black spots on your mirror as well as other surfaces in your bathroom, such as the countertops and sink. To remove these black marks, use a soft cloth or paper towel moistened with rubbing alcohol to rub it off the surface of your mirror.
  • Residue from inside your house can be due to soap scum or hard water stains, which you’ll also need to clean using a rag and something like vinegar, rubbing alcohol, or bleach.

Best Mirror Cleaners?

There are many mirror cleaners on the market today, including sprays, liquids, and wipes. The best type of cleaner for your mirror will depend on how dirty it is and whether you want to use a spray or something else. You can buy pre-made cleaners or make your own using some household ingredients.

  • Glass cleaner is a classic type of mirror cleaner. To make your glass cleaner, you’ll need three ingredients: 1/2 cup white vinegar, 3 cups warm water, and 2 Tbsp alcohol. Mix these all ingredients in a spray bottle and then clean mirrors as needed.
  • A popular type of commercial mirror cleaning product is those that are made of microfiber. These cleaners are clothes that you can run over the surface of your mirror with little effort, which is good if you don’t want to use a spray or something else.

Final Words

A mirror can be a great addition to your bathroom and a good tool for grooming and other purposes. As long as you keep it clean, of course. The primary way to keep a mirror clean is by wiping it down periodically with a cloth or paper towel moistened with glass cleaner or another type of cleaning solution.

But considering your health and your family’s health, it’s best not to use ammonia-based cleaners like Windex. There are also many cleaners to choose from on the market. If you are not at ease, you can make it yourself, which is natural and does not harm your health. The above is how to clean mirrors without Windex and the best way to clean a mirror without Windex we mentioned.

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